Housing to Health

The Housing to Health project is delivered by Nottingham City Council Housing Services in partnership with NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

The project aims to improve links between housing and health in Nottingham by providing a 'hand-holding' service to speed up a patients' hospital discharge, or working within the community to intervene before individuals are hospitalised due to unsuitable accommodation.

Housing to Health Co-ordinators act as the referral point and are responsible for finding suitable accommodation from Nottingham HomeLink vacant properties.

The benefits

Reducing bed blocking to:

  • save the NHS money
  • free up high demand hospital beds
  • reduce the number of empty homes
  • free up high demand / under-occupation of homes

Helping people to stay healthy, for longer, by:

  • encouraging proactive referrals
  • preventing hospital admissions / re-admissions
  • providing appropriate accommodation that are safer for people to live in
  • reducing the need for costly adaptations

Read the evaluation report

An evaluation report has been produced showing the impact of the project.

This can be downloaded here:

Summary report

Full report

If you know anybody who might benefit from this service, complete this online form:

How to refer a service user

Before completing this form, please read the following:

  1. The Housing to Health service is for singles or couples aged 60 or over (or 55 and over if in receipt of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)) who are going to be moving without dependents.
  2. For referrals in hospital, do not complete this form. Instead, email housingtohealth@nottinghamcity.gov.uk and a member of the team will be in touch.
  3. If your client is homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless, please contact Housing Solutions for advice and support

Please also be aware that most of the questions in this form are mandatory, and the form will not submit if you have not provided an answer to all mandatory questions.

Type the referring agency name here
Type the contact details of the referring agency here. If details are not provided, we may not be able to process the referral.
Type the NHS number here
Type the National Insurance number here
Type their name here
Type their address here
Type their contact number here
Type the contact details here
Type the details here

Type admission and discharge dates here

Type your GP details here
Type other agencies details here
Type any physical or mental health issues here

Include details about any convictions here